Featuring...Joanna Brown, Lee Campbell, Alec Drew, Mat Huntley and Sandettie Light Vessel
The first ever You and Your Work platform at The Cube kicked off with Lee Campbell’s solo-performance ‘Compell Repell’ live on stage. By adopting a particularly absurd and ironic outlook he addressed the audience through a megaphone and presented minimalistic body movements to both compell and repell the audience. His performance based work is concerned with text and the misinterpretation of speech and slippage in language.
In the Cube lounge visual artist Mat Huntley re-created Dubai from cardboard and plastic packing wrap over the course of the evening and invited the audience to join in the production process. His installation ‘Just Desert’ draws on aspirational architecture, on it’s physical manifestation of ideology whilst referring to desert plants.
The second performance of the evening, ‘we will mend on the highways’ by Joanna Brown, was all based around the question of ‘how you go about finding the thing the nature is unknown to you’. In a very playful, humorous and imaginative approach she navigated her way through the performance attempting to find sense within the unfinished journey. Joanna’s performance was afterwards chosen and invited to PILOT/ Custard Factory in Birmingham.
In the entertaining yet highly intelligent lecture performance ‘On subjective Cats in Boxes’, performance artist Alec Drew explored his fascination in quantum paradoxes and some ideas on reality and existence. His completely subjective, autobiographical exploration of his understanding of the quantum mysteries baffled him through discussion of cats, childhood accidents, his obsession with boxes and ping-pong balls.
Finally, ‘The Dredger’, a mixed media performance, was set up by rural and urban artists from the zero-k label. Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic (Bristol) and Skynthesizer (Cornwall) created an original score to accompany visual compositions depicting the social history of Bristol Docks and the China Clay district of St.Austell. The Cube auditorium was filled with 'Mammoth Breaks and Danger Hazard B-Lines' and presented a powerful final for the first performance platform event.